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Working directory setup

In the directory:


I have the tsv file created by the ETL-Tool that I want to test uploading person.tsv.

Clean the database

datasettool2 delete-all-rows ds100394 --database=bclink

CommandLine Options


The help gives the following information:

dataset_tool --load --table=ds100123 --user=<test_user>
    --data_file=ds100123.txt [or --data_file_list=my_filelist.txt]
    [--extra='...'] [--no-backup] [--support]
    [--move-original-file] [--grab-original-file] [--immediate-write]
    [--force-prepare-data] [--job-parameters=<extra-job-params-file>]
    [--bcqueue] [--bcqueue-res-path='job-result-path'] [--niceness=10]
    [--device=XX] [--subj_filter=xx] [--samples_table=xx] database

Some additional information is also given:

Arguments for load mode:
     Must contain the name of the destination table.
     Don't do a input file backup. Product dataset data needs no backup.
     Uses supp-dataload-batch queue instead of dataload-batch, 
     or supp-dataupd2-batch queue instead of dataupd2-batch.
     Avoid job queue altogether: calls simpleupd directly.
     Must contain the SQL user, as whom the data will be inserted into the data set.
     Must contain the data file in textdb format, to be loaded into the database.
  --data_file_list=one_line_per_uploadfile.txt Upload multiple files with one submit.
  --extra=... Add extra parameters into multiple file upload (--data_file_list) supplied. 
  --update_type=direct or --update_type=incremental:      incremental mode skips row updates with missing alleles.
     Moves the original file in --data_file=<file> into /data/var/lib/bcos/tmp/ to be used on load operation.
     Uses the file <file> in place, so it will not move the file for the following upload job.
     '--no' means no samples filter,
     '--skip' means pass mapped rows thrue, others are discarded,
     '--strict' means if one unmappable row is found, don't do the upload.
  --action_mode=[load,insert,?] (please verify the meaning first if you use this).
  --samples_table=samples means that skip / strict upload is done against this samples table.

datasettool2 load

datasettool2 load --dataset=<DATASET> [--datafile=<FILE> | --source-dataset=<SOURCE_DATASET>]
                  [--submission-id] [--queue] [--resfolder=PATH] [--force-prepare-data]
          [--timing] [--hierarchical-timing] [--sqltimeout=<SEC>]
          [--database=<DATABASE>] [--user=<USER>] [--developer=<DEVELOPER>]
          [--pooledconnection] [--job-id=<JOB>] [--job=<JOB>]

--resfolder=<PATH> : appears to have no effect, all the jobs end up in /data/var/lib/bcos/download/<user>, this would be useful if you could specify the job output path.

datasettool2 load2

datasettool2 load2 --dataset=<DATASET> --datafile=<FILE> [--force-prepare-data]
                  [--timing] [--hierarchical-timing] [--sqltimeout=<SEC>]
          [--database=<DATABASE>] [--user=<USER>] [--developer=<DEVELOPER>]
          [--pooledconnection] [--job-id=<JOB>] [--job=<JOB>]

Insert into the database

Using datasettool2 load2

[bcos_srv@link-test-dt calum_tests_14Sep]$ datasettool2 load2 --dataset=ds100394 --datafile=`pwd`/person.tsv --database=bclink --user=data 
Upload started: dataset=PERSON_V2 (ds100394), file=/usr/lib/bcos/OMOP-test-data/calum_tests_14Sep/person.tsv, id=9 , resultfolder=datasettool2_uploads/9
Upload done: dataset=PERSON_V2 (ds100394), file=/usr/lib/bcos/OMOP-test-data/calum_tests_14Sep/person.tsv, id=9 , resultfolder=datasettool2_uploads/9

These jobs get run on the BCLink queue, and the output results folder can be seen here:

By using --user=data I can see the job via the GUI too.

$ ls -ltr /data/var/lib/bcos/download/data/datasettool2_uploads/9
total 8
-rw-rw---- 1 bcos_srv bcos_srv 103 Sep 14 17:13 invalid_values.dat
-rw-rw---- 1 bcos_srv bcos_srv 755 Sep 14 17:13 cover.10126

Using datasettool2 load