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ssh to the test link machine:

ssh 52.XXX.XXX.XXX
This is with the configuration:
$ cat ~/.ssh/config
HostName 52.XXX.XXX.XXX
PreferredAuthentications publickey
IdentityFile <path to private key identity file >
Otherwise you can do something like:
ssh -i <path to private key identity file > 52.XXX.XXX.XXX
If you ssh keys were generated without a /with a different user, you may need to do:
ssh <user>@52.XXX.XXX.XXX

To take root control:

sudo -s

To then use the user bscos_srv that has permissions to upload to BCLink use:

su - bcos_srv

Transfering a file

Using a tool like scp or rsync you can transfer an output from the ETLTool to the test link like this:

rsync -avz --progress <local file> 52.XXX.XXX.XXX:/home/<user>


The option -z can compress files over a slow upload connection and make the transfer of large files fast.

Uploading a file

Once the file (e.g. person) is on the link, you can transfer it to whatever folder you prefer, I am storing files in:


The command line tool datasettool2 can then be used to load the file into the BCLink

[bcos_srv@link-test-dt calum_tests_4Aug]$ datasettool2 load --dataset=person --datafile=./person.csv --database=bclink
Loading file ./person.csv to dataset PERSON (person)
debug1: client_input_channel_req: channel 0 rtype reply 1


While in root you can change the permissions of a folder with chmod u+x -R <folder> to give access to all, and make sure the files have the correct permissions for the user bcos_srv