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Common Errors

Below are a list of common errors that are often encountered.

ERROR: No matching distribution found for carrot-cdm

When installing carrot-cdm you see messages like this:

$ pip install carrot-cdm
Collecting carrot-cdm
  WARNING: Retrying (Retry(total=4, connect=None, read=None, redirect=None, status=None)) after connection broken by 'NewConnectionError('<pip._vendor.urllib3.connection.VerifiedHTTPSConnection object at 0x10d7c39a0>: Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno 8] nodename nor servname provided, or not known')': /simple/carrot-cdm/
ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement carrot-cdm (from versions: none)
ERROR: No matching distribution found for carrot-cdm

The most common cause of this error is a lack of internet connection or lack of connection to

Check this via the ping command, which should give you a response, e.g.:

$ ping
PING ( 56 data bytes
64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=58 time=20.124 ms
If you see
$ ping
ping: cannot resolve Unknown host
This means your machine cannot establish a connection to pypi to download and install the tool.

FAQ: How can I install the tool offline?

One of the most common errors is due to missing or badly named files.

For example you might see the following error: Found the following files ['foo.csv','bar.csv'] in the json file, that are not in the loaded file list... ['Foo.csv','Bar.csv']

The message is saying that the tool loaded the files ['Foo.csv','Bar.csv'] but in the json file for the rules, it is expecting the files ['foo.csv','bar.csv'].

This is a common problem due to files being renamed based on what has been used to generate the json file.


The file names in the json file must match the file names, or the files in the folder, you pass as inputs. Otherwise the tool is not going to be able to find or known about that dataset and be able to perform the mapping.

When supplying a directory

For the INPUTS argument, if you supply a directory, the tool will look in that directory for any file matching the extention .csv, if you file names do not match this ending, then the tool wont be able to pick them up and you'll have to supply them individually.


A message along the lines of:

json.decoder.JSONDecodeError: Unexpected UTF-8 BOM (decode using utf-8-sig): line 1 column 1 (char 0)

Tells you that something is wrong with the input json file for your rules.

First you should check that the file supplied with the --rules argument is a valid json file containing the mapping-rules needed by the tool.

Often the json.decoder.JSONDecodeError will tell you what line and column there is an error coming from. Common issues are due to bad formating or accidental insertions of whitespace characters for a text editor, if the file has been opened up and manually edited.


This is an error message telling you that something in your input data is not in the right format for the tool to handle and format.


carrot.cdm.objects.common.FormattingError: The column person_id using the formatter function Integer produced NaN values in a required column

In the above example, this error message means that while trying to format the person_id column into a Integer, every single value failed, meaning the column in the input data that is used for the person_id is not in a format that can be converted into an Integer.

Inspecting further you may see something like:

2021-08-06 16:55:23 - person_0 - ERROR - Something wrong with the formatting of the field 'person_id'.
2021-08-06 16:55:23 - person_0 - ERROR - Using the formatter 'Integer' failed on all values.
2021-08-06 16:55:23 - person_0 - INFO - Sample of this column before formatting:
2021-08-06 16:55:23 - person_0 - ERROR - index
s4    s4
d2    d2
s3    s3
s1    s1
Name: person_id, dtype: object
Which shows that indeed the person_id column contains strings and was not able to be convert to an Integer.


By default, the person_id column is expected to already be an integer.

Requiring non-null values in removed X rows, leaving Y rows.

This may come as a WARNING or ERROR message in your logs.

WARNING - Requiring non-null values in <destination_field> removed X rows, leaving Y rows.
ERROR - Requiring non-null values in <destination_field> removed X rows, leaving Y rows

This is an ERROR message if Y is 0. In that instances, if X is small then it's not likely to be a genuine problem. You want to watch out for if X>>Y and Y = 0, this indicates that the mapping of the <destination_field> is failing.


person_0 - WARNING - Requiring non-null values in gender_concept_id removed 4 rows, leaving 6 rows.
You are most likely to see two person objects in the rules json file, as males and females are mapped separately. I.e. the source_value (e.g. 'M' or 'F') is mapped to the concept_id for male and female separately.

This WARNING message is saying that for 10 rows of data (10 people), 4 rows were removed because the gender_concept_id did not map to anything. The most likely explanation for this is that person_0 is mapping only one sex (e.g females) and therefore drops all rows for the other (e.g. males).

There is most likely a person_1 object which will be the other sex, and you should see that it maps the other 6 people (and removes 4 people instead):

person_1 - WARNING - Requiring non-null values in gender_concept_id removed 6 rows, leaving 4 rows.
In the output file produced for the person table, which is a merge of person_0 and person_1, you'll see there are 10 rows of people.