ETL Guide
1. Initial Setup¶
The following is a walkthrough of how to run an automated ETL process using test data available as part of the package.
It is assumed that BCLink systems has already been an installed on a host machine.
Setting up a working directory
When running the ETL with the bclink
backend, you must be the user bcos_srv
, i.e. when ssh'd into the machine hosting bclink
ssh <username>@<IP address of host machine>
sudo -s
su - bcos_srv
The best practise is to create a working directory in the following location:
mkdir /usr/lib/bcos/MyWorkingDirectory/
cd /usr/lib/bcos/MyWorkingDirectory/
Installing carrot-cdm
It is also best practise to setup a virtual python environment and install the tool:
python3 -m venv automation
source automation/bin/activate
pip install pip --upgrade
pip install carrot-cdm
Check the version:
carrot info version
for the automation to work.
2. Setup Data¶
Setup your inputs and obtain the rules.json
for performing the transform (OMOP mapping).
Get inputs
We recommend that you download the test dataset from CO-CONNECT/demo-dataset, otherwise a smaller test dataset can be foud in the following location: $(carrot info data_folder)/test/
You will have to have git
installed for this to work. You can do this while being sudo
user, for example on CentOS:
sudo yum install git
installed, you can either contact your system administrator, or follow the link to the github page, click "code" and then "Download ZIP".
git clone
ls demo-dataset/data/
config.yaml config-template.yaml part1 part2 part3 rules.json rules_small.json
carrot display rules json demo-dataset/data/rules.json |& head -15
"metadata": {
"date_created": "2022-02-11T12:22:48.465257",
"dataset": "FAILED: ExampleV4"
"cdm": {
"person": {
"MALE 3025": {
"birth_datetime": {
"source_table": "Demographics.csv",
"source_field": "Age",
"operations": [
If you are following this guide with the example dataset, as long as you have copied or downloaded data as user bcos_srv
, then all should be OK.
To the run the tool and automatically upload data to bclink
, you must be logged in as the user bcos_srv
, therefore this user must have permissions to view the data. So double-check or grant access.
Granting data access to a user
There are many ways of doing this on CentOS via chown
and/or chmod
. You should contact your system administrator to do this if your are not experienced and/or don't have root
access (that you may need).
chown -R <user/group>:<group> <path to data>
3. Setup a yaml
configuration file¶
The next step is to create and configure a yaml
file for the tool to digest. This yaml file must contain the location of the "rules" json
file, provided to you by the connect team, and the path of the input data.
Minimal YAML
Create a file called config.yaml
, either as a new file or copy over the cp demo-dataset/data/config-template.yaml config.yaml
and edit the values:
clean: <bool>
load: &load-bclink
cache: <str: cache folder>
dry_run: <bool>
settings: &settings
output: *load-bclink
rules: <str: rules .json file>
- input: <str: first input data folder>
<<: *settings
- input: <str: additional input data folder>
<<: *settings
Example template to use if you have copied over and are useing the demo-dataset:
clean: true
load: &load-bclink
cache: /usr/lib/bcos/MyWorkingDirectory/cache/
dry_run: false
settings: &settings
output: *load-bclink
rules: /usr/lib/bcos/MyWorkingDirectory/demo-dataset/data/rules.json
- input: /usr/lib/bcos/MyWorkingDirectory/demo-dataset/data/part1/
<<: *settings
If you are unfamilar with the Linux command-line and don't know how to create a file, try using vim
, pico
or emacs
Once you have created the file, you should save and quit.
YAML with multiple data folders
Similarly if you have multiple data dumps, you can configure the yaml like so:
settings: ...
- input: <folder 1>
<<: *settings
- input: <folder 2>
<<: *settings
While the tool is running you can edit this file to append more data paths...
YAML to watch a directory for new data dumps
Specifying the data in the transform section as a dictionary will tell the tool to look inside the master folder for subfolders containing the data
settings: ...
input: <master folder>
<<: *settings
4. Setup and Check BCLink tables¶
By default, if the Carrot documentation for setting up BCLink has been followed correctly, you should already have tables created for the various bclink tables, e.g.:
- person
- condition_occurrence
- measurement
- observation
- drug_exposure
- etc..
Check if your tables exist
With a minimal yaml
configuration, you can perform a check to see if the tables exist and that the tool is able to interact with them.
carrot etl --config config.yaml check-tables
2022-03-15 12:56:02 - run_etl - INFO - running etl on config.yaml (last modified: 1647348863.9978611)
2022-03-15 12:56:02 - BCLinkHelpers - NOTICE - bc_sqlselect --user=bclink --query=SELECT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_name = 'condition_occurrence' ) bclink
2022-03-15 12:56:02 - BCLinkHelpers - INFO - condition_occurrence (condition_occurrence) already exists --> all good
2022-03-15 12:56:02 - BCLinkHelpers - NOTICE - bc_sqlselect --user=bclink --query=SELECT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_name = 'drug_exposure' ) bclink
2022-03-15 12:56:02 - BCLinkHelpers - INFO - drug_exposure (drug_exposure) already exists --> all good
2022-03-15 12:56:03 - BCLinkHelpers - INFO - ======== BCLINK SUMMARY ========
2022-03-15 12:56:03 - BCLinkHelpers - INFO - {
"condition_occurrence": {
"bclink_table": "condition_occurrence",
"nrows": "63988"
"drug_exposure": {
"bclink_table": "drug_exposure",
"nrows": "33015"
If there is an error here, you may need to manually configure the table in the yaml file (see here)
If you need to create new tables via the GUI
If you want to do some testing on new tables
Log in to the bclink web-gui as the 'data' user.
Create a table (example person
Make a not of the dataset name and ID of the dataset i.e. ds100421
If you need to create new tables via the command line
Creating a person table called person_test_data_v1
cd /usr/lib/bcos/OMOP
$dataset_tool --create --form=PERSON --table=person_test_data_v1 --setname='PERSON_TEST_DATA_V1' --user=data bclink
Created dataset with table person_test_data_v1
You would then have to specify in the yaml
configuration the name of these tables so the tool is able to know e.g. which table to insert the person
into, for example:
load: &load-bclink
person: person_test_data_v1
CaRROT-CDM also has this feature to create tables based on what has been setup in the yaml
configuration file
carrot etl --config <config> create-tables
2022-03-15 13:41:39 - run_etl - INFO - running etl on config.yaml (last modified: 1647351696.3011575)
2022-03-15 13:41:39 - BCLinkHelpers - NOTICE - bc_sqlselect --user=bclink --query=SELECT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_name = 'person_test_003' ) bclink
2022-03-15 13:41:39 - BCLinkHelpers - NOTICE - dataset_tool --create --table=person_test_003 --setname=PERSON_TEST_003 --user=data --form=PERSON bclink
2022-03-15 13:41:39 - BCLinkHelpers - INFO - Created dataset with table person_test_003
--> All done with success.
If you needed to create tables / if your table check fails
If you have had problems with your tables and need to overwrite the default behaviour of the tool, you can append to the yaml
file the following configurtion, to force the tool to upload the output (destination) tables to specific BCLink tables
person: <bclink id of person table>
observation: <bclink id of observation table>
measurement: <bclink id of measurement table>
condition_occurrence: <bclink id of condition_occurrence table>
5. Clean the tables¶
Before you run the ETL (for the first time), it's important to make sure there's no existing data present in the tables you are uploading to.
From the Command Line
carrot etl --config config.yaml clean-tables
2022-03-15 13:42:51 - run_etl - INFO - running etl on config.yaml (last modified: 1647351753.2908654)
2022-03-15 13:42:51 - BCLinkHelpers - NOTICE - bc_sqlselect --user=bclink --query=SELECT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_name = 'condition_occurrence' ) bclink
2022-03-15 13:42:51 - BCLinkHelpers - INFO - condition_occurrence (condition_occurrence) already exists --> all good
2022-03-15 13:42:51 - BCLinkHelpers - NOTICE - datasettool2 delete-all-rows condition_occurrence --database=bclink
2022-03-15 13:42:53 - BCLinkHelpers - WARNING - Deleting all rows from dataset CONDITION_OCCURRENCE (condition_occurrence)
2022-03-15 13:42:53 - BCLinkHelpers - WARNING - Deleted all 63988 rows from dataset CONDITION_OCCURRENCE (condition_occurrence)
2022-03-15 13:42:53 - BCLinkHelpers - INFO - Cleaning table drug_exposure
2022-03-15 13:42:53 - BCLinkHelpers - NOTICE - datasettool2 delete-all-rows drug_exposure --database=bclink
2022-03-15 13:43:07 - BCLinkHelpers - INFO - ======== BCLINK SUMMARY ========
2022-03-15 13:43:07 - BCLinkHelpers - INFO - {
"condition_occurrence": {
"bclink_table": "condition_occurrence",
"nrows": "0"
"drug_exposure": {
"bclink_table": "drug_exposure",
"nrows": "0"
"measurement": {
"bclink_table": "measurement",
"nrows": "0"
"observation": {
"bclink_table": "observation",
"nrows": "0"
Specify within the YAML
Alternatively you can tell the tool to do this automatically by specifying it in the yaml
configuration file, by appending the configuration. Everytime carrot etl
is executed, the tables present in BCLink will be cleaned:
clean: true
6. Run the ETL¶
Finally you are ready to execute the ETL...
Start the carrot ETL
carrot etl --config config.yaml
Start of the Process¶
2022-03-15 13:47:57 - run_etl - INFO - running etl on config.yaml (last modified: 1647352068.9562533)
2022-03-15 13:47:57 - LocalDataCollection - INFO - DataCollection Object Created
2022-03-15 13:47:57 - LocalDataCollection - INFO - Registering Demographics.csv [< object at 0x7f0c5a82a5c0>]
2022-03-15 13:47:57 - LocalDataCollection - INFO - Registering GP_Records.csv [< object at 0x7f0c5a82a9b0>]
2022-03-15 13:47:57 - BCLinkHelpers - NOTICE - bc_sqlselect --user=bclink --query=SELECT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_name = 'condition_occurrence' ) bclink
2022-03-15 13:47:57 - BCLinkHelpers - INFO - condition_occurrence (condition_occurrence) already exists --> all good
Building the Model¶
2022-03-15 13:47:58 - BCLinkDataCollection - INFO - DataCollection Object Created
2022-03-15 13:47:58 - CommonDataModel - INFO - CommonDataModel (5.3.1) created with carrot-cdm version 0.0.0
2022-03-15 13:47:58 - CommonDataModel - INFO - Running with an DataCollection object
2022-03-15 13:47:58 - CommonDataModel - INFO - Turning on automatic cdm column filling
Extracting data¶
2022-03-15 13:47:58 - BCLinkHelpers - NOTICE - bc_sqlselect --user=bclink --query=SELECT * FROM person_ids bclink
2022-03-15 13:47:58 - BCLinkHelpers - NOTICE - bc_sqlselect --user=bclink --query=SELECT count(*) FROM condition_occurrence bclink
Adding Health Data Element¶
2022-03-15 13:47:58 - CommonDataModel - INFO - Added Mental health problem 3046 of type condition_occurrence
2022-03-15 13:47:58 - CommonDataModel - INFO - Added Mental disorder 3047 of type condition_occurrence
2022-03-15 13:47:58 - CommonDataModel - INFO - Added Type 2 diabetes mellitus 3048 of type condition_occurrence
Transforming data¶
Preparing everything:
2022-03-15 13:47:58 - CommonDataModel - INFO - Starting processing in order: ['person', 'observation', 'condition_occurrence', 'drug_exposure']
2022-03-15 13:47:58 - CommonDataModel - INFO - Number of objects to process for each table...
"person": 2,
"observation": 4,
"condition_occurrence": 12,
"drug_exposure": 5
2022-03-15 13:47:58 - CommonDataModel - INFO - for person: found 2 objects
2022-03-15 13:47:58 - CommonDataModel - INFO - working on person
2022-03-15 13:47:58 - CommonDataModel - INFO - starting on MALE 3025
2022-03-15 13:47:58 - Person - INFO - Called apply_rules
2022-03-15 13:47:58 - LocalDataCollection - INFO - Retrieving initial dataframe for 'Demographics.csv' for the first time
2022-03-15 13:48:05 - CommonDataModel - INFO - starting on FEMALE 3026
2022-03-15 13:48:05 - Person - INFO - Called apply_rules
2022-03-15 13:48:06 - Person - INFO - Mapped birth_datetime
2022-03-15 13:48:06 - Person - INFO - Mapped gender_concept_id
2022-03-15 13:48:06 - Person - INFO - Mapped gender_source_concept_id
2022-03-15 13:48:06 - Person - INFO - Mapped gender_source_value
2022-03-15 13:48:06 - Person - INFO - Mapped person_id
2022-03-15 13:48:06 - Person - WARNING - Requiring non-null values in gender_concept_id removed 55732 rows, leaving 44268 rows.
2022-03-15 13:48:06 - Person - INFO - Automatically formatting data columns.
2022-03-15 13:48:06 - Person - INFO - created df (0x7f0c57843908)[FEMALE_3026]
2022-03-15 13:48:06 - CommonDataModel - INFO - finished FEMALE 3026 (0x7f0c57843908) ... 2/2 completed, 44268 rows
2022-03-15 13:48:09 - BCLinkDataCollection - INFO - saving person.FEMALE_3026.0x7f0c57843908.2022-03-15T134809 to /usr/lib/bcos/MyWorkingDirectory/Temp/cache//person.FEMALE_3026.0x7f0c57843908.2022-03-15T134809.tsv
Loading Data¶
Making jobs to load the data
2022-03-15 13:48:09 - BCLinkHelpers - NOTICE - dataset_tool --load --table=person --user=data --data_file=/usr/lib/bcos/MyWorkingDirectory/Temp/cache//person.FEMALE_3026.0x7f0c57843908.2022-03-15T134809.tsv --support --bcqueue bclink
2022-03-15 13:48:10 - BCLinkHelpers - INFO - submitted job to bclink queue: link-test-dt:bcos_srv-336
2022-03-15 13:48:10 - BCLinkHelpers - NOTICE - datasettool2 list-updates --dataset=person --user=data --database=bclink
2022-03-15 13:48:13 - BCLinkHelpers - INFO - running job 10983
2022-03-15 13:56:19 - BCLinkHelpers - NOTICE - cat /data/var/lib/bcos/download/data/job11043/cover.11043
2022-03-15 13:56:19 - BCLinkHelpers - TEXT -
2022-03-15 13:56:19 - BCLinkHelpers - TEXT - Job #11042 Tue Mar 15 13:56:06 2022 BC|SNPmax 6.0.0-rc21
2022-03-15 13:56:19 - BCLinkHelpers - TEXT - ### Application: supp-dataload-batch
2022-03-15 13:56:19 - BCLinkHelpers - TEXT - ### User: data
2022-03-15 13:56:19 - BCLinkHelpers - TEXT - ### Database: bclink
2022-03-15 13:56:19 - BCLinkHelpers - TEXT - ### Run on local/localhost.localdomain
2022-03-15 13:56:19 - BCLinkHelpers - TEXT -
2022-03-15 13:56:19 - BCLinkHelpers - TEXT - Job description: Upload of file /usr/lib/bcos/MyWorkingDirectory
2022-03-15 13:56:19 - BCLinkHelpers - TEXT - ================================================================
2022-03-15 13:56:19 - BCLinkHelpers - TEXT - --> No data converter selected
2022-03-15 13:56:19 - BCLinkHelpers - TEXT - --> Adding new data, duplicates are discarded and reported
2022-03-15 13:56:19 - BCLinkHelpers - TEXT -
2022-03-15 13:56:19 - BCLinkHelpers - TEXT - ===Summary report===
2022-03-15 13:56:19 - BCLinkHelpers - TEXT - --> OK
2022-03-15 13:56:19 - BCLinkHelpers - CRITICAL - 110 data row(s) discarded, 23389 new row(s) inserted
2022-03-15 13:56:19 - BCLinkHelpers - TEXT - ---> See attachments
2022-03-15 13:56:19 - BCLinkHelpers - TEXT -
2022-03-15 13:56:19 - BCLinkHelpers - TEXT - ===Detailed report===
2022-03-15 13:56:19 - BCLinkHelpers - TEXT -
2022-03-15 13:56:19 - BCLinkHelpers - TEXT - --> OK
2022-03-15 13:56:19 - BCLinkHelpers - CRITICAL - 115 data row(s) discarded, 23384 new row(s) inserted
2022-03-15 13:56:19 - BCLinkHelpers - TEXT - ---> See attachments
2022-03-15 13:56:19 - BCLinkHelpers - TEXT -
2022-03-15 13:56:19 - BCLinkHelpers - TEXT - ===Detailed report===
2022-03-15 13:56:19 - BCLinkHelpers - TEXT -
2022-03-15 13:56:19 - BCLinkDataCollection - INFO - done!
If the yaml
listen_for_changes: true
Instead you will see the message:
2022-03-15 13:59:58 - run_etl - INFO - Finished!... Listening for changes every 5 seconds to data in config.yaml