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This section describes how CO-CONNECT-Tools can be used to manually perform the Transform part of the co-connect ETL (Extract, Transform, Load). By transforming (mapping) a dataset (series of input .csv files) given a set of rules defined in a json file.

The following guide will take you through the main steps to make sure the tool is installed correctly and that the ETL is performed correctly.


Running the transform part of the ETL process with carrot run map OPTIONS instead of carrot etl --config <file> gives you a lot more control over the command line options, although all options can be parsed as key-word-arguments in the config yaml used with the carrot etl

1. Install the tool

Follow the install guide here:

Install Guide

2. Gather Inputs

To run the transformation to CDM you will need:

  1. Input Data, in the form of csv files
  2. json file containing the "mapping rules"

3. Check Inputs

Input data is expected in csv format,

It is possible to do a quick check to display the first 10 rows of an input csv. Run:

carrot display dataframe --head 10 <input data csv file> 


A test dataset is located in the install folder (carrot info install_folder)

carrot display dataframe --head 10 $(carrot info install_folder)/data/test/inputs/Demographics.csv

A test dataset is located in the install folder (carrot info install_folder), by listing this directory (dir) you can find the full path to an example file to test inplace of <input data csv file>

With a json file for the rules, you can quickly check the tool is able to read and display them via:

carrot display json rules.json


As with the input csv files, the test dataset comes packaged with a rules json file.

carrot display json  $(carrot info install_folder)/data/test/rules/rules_14June2021.json

As with the input csv files, the test dataset comes packaged with a rules json file, which can be found via the folder carrot info install_folder followed by \data\test\rules\.

4. Run The Tool

The synthax for running the tool can be seen from using --help:

carrot run map --help
Usage: carrot run map [OPTIONS] [INPUTS]...

  Perform OMOP Mapping given an json file and a series of input files

  INPUTS should be a space separated list of individual input files or
  directories (which contain .csv files)

  --rules TEXT                    input json file containing all the mapping
                                  rules to be applied  [required]
  --indexing-conf TEXT            configuration file to specify how to start
                                  the indexing
  --csv-separator [;|:| |,| ]     choose a separator to use when dumping
                                  output csv files
  --use-profiler                  turn on saving statistics for profiling CPU
                                  and memory usage
  --format-level [0|1|2]          Choose the level of formatting to apply on
                                  the output data. 0 - no formatting. 1 -
                                  automatic formatting. 2 (default) - check
                                  formatting (will crash if input data is not
                                  already formatted).
  --output-folder TEXT            define the output folder where to dump csv
                                  files to
  --write-mode [w|a]              force the write-mode on existing files
  --split-outputs                 force the output files to be split into
                                  separate files
  --allow-missing-data            don't crash if there is data tables in rules
                                  file that hasnt been loaded
  --database TEXT                 define the output database where to insert
                                  data into
  -nc, --number-of-rows-per-chunk INTEGER
                                  Choose the number of rows (INTEGER) of input
                                  data to load (chunksize). The option 'auto'
                                  will work out the ideal chunksize. Inputing
                                  a value <=0 will turn off data chunking
                                  (default behaviour).
  -np, --number-of-rows-to-process INTEGER
                                  the total number of rows to process
  --person-id-map TEXT            pass the location of a file containing
                                  existing masked person_ids
  --db TEXT                       instead, pass a connection string to a db
  --merge-output                  merge the output into one file
  --parse-original-person-id      turn off automatic conversion (creation) of
                                  person_id to (as) Integer
  --no-fill-missing-columns       Turn off automatically filling missing CDM
  --log-file TEXT                 specify a path for a log file
  --max-rules INTEGER             maximum number of rules to process
  --object TEXT                   give a list of objects by name to process
  --table TEXT                    give a list of tables by name to process
  --help                          Show this message and exit.

The tool requires you to pass a .json file for the rules, as well as space separated list of .csv files

carrot run map --rules <.json file for rules> <csv file 1> <csv file 2> <csv file 3> ...


For macOS/Ubuntu/Centos etc. users, you can easily run from the CLI with a wildcard. Assuming your input data is located in the folder data/ you can run:

carrot run map --rules $(carrot info install_folder)/data/test/rules/rules_14June2021.json  $(carrot info install_folder)/data/test/inputs/*.csv

The tool has the capability to also run on a folder containing the .csv files. The tool will look in the folder for .csv files and load them:

carrot run map --rules $(carrot info install_folder)/data/test/rules/rules_14June2021.json  $(carrot info install_folder)/data/test/inputs/

For Windows users, you can run by passing the full-path to the folder containing your .csv input files.

carrot run map --rules rules.json D:\Foo\Bar\data

Or by manually passing the individual input csv files:

carrot run map --rules rules.json D:\Foo\Bar\data\file_1.csv D:\Foo\Bar\data\file_2.csv


5. Check The Output

By default, mapped tsv files are created in the folder output_data within your current working directory.


To specify a different output folder, use the command line argument --output-folder when running carrot map run

Log files are also created in a subdirectory of the output folder, for example:

├── condition_occurrence.tsv
├── logs
│   └── 2021-09-13T101629_slice_0.json
├── observation.tsv
└── person.tsv

Other than opening up the output csv in your favourite viewer, you can also use the command line tools to display a simple dataframe

carrot display dataframe --drop-na output_data/condition_occurrence.tsv
       condition_occurrence_id  person_id  condition_concept_id  ... condition_end_datetime condition_source_value  condition_source_concept_id
0                            1          9                312437  ...    2020-04-10 00:00:00                      1                       312437
1                            2         18                312437  ...    2020-04-11 00:00:00                      1                       312437
2                            3         28                312437  ...    2020-04-10 00:00:00                      1                       312437
3                            4         38                312437  ...    2020-04-10 00:00:00                      1                       312437
4                            5         44                312437  ...    2020-04-10 00:00:00                      1                       312437

Markdown format can be outputed for convenience too:

carrot display dataframe --markdown --drop-na output_data/person.tsv

person_id gender_concept_id birth_datetime gender_source_value gender_source_concept_id
0 101 8507 1951-12-25 00:00:00 M 8507
1 102 8507 1981-11-19 00:00:00 M 8507
2 103 8532 1997-05-11 00:00:00 F 8532
3 104 8532 1975-06-07 00:00:00 F 8532
4 105 8532 1976-04-23 00:00:00 F 8532
5 106 8507 1966-09-29 00:00:00 M 8507
6 107 8532 1956-11-12 00:00:00 F 8532
7 108 8507 1985-03-01 00:00:00 M 8507
8 109 8532 1950-10-31 00:00:00 F 8532
9 110 8532 1993-09-07 00:00:00 F 8532


The argument --drop-na removes columns that are entirely nan/null in order to get a better display of the mapped CDM table, this is because many of the CDM table columns are not used in the examples.

6. Additional Options

To override the default data chunking options and process a dataset in specific chunks, you can use the following flag:

  -nc, --number-of-rows-per-chunk INTEGER
                                  choose to chunk running the data into nrows

For a dataset of order millions of records, it is advised that you run with -nc 100000 which will process the data in 100k row chunks.

For testing or debugging purposes, especially if you are transforming a large dataset, you can use the option -np to only run on a certain number of initial rows of the input csv files.

  -np, --number-of-rows-to-process INTEGER
                                  the total number of rows to process

If you wish to profile the CPU/memory usage as a function of time, you can run with the following flag:

  --use-profiler                  turn on saving statistics for profiling CPU
                                  and memory usage

Which will additionally save and output a time series from the start of executing to the end of executing the ETL.

2021-07-27 10:31:48 - Profiler - INFO -      time[s]  memory[GB]  cpu[%]
0   0.000384    0.056290   0.000
1   0.104976    0.057865  24.650
2   0.205735    0.058556  23.325
3   0.308194    0.060932  24.625
4   0.415116    0.061394  24.650
2021-07-27 10:31:48 - Profiler - INFO - finished profiling
2021-07-27 10:31:48 - CommonDataModel - INFO - Writen the memory/cpu statistics to /Users/calummacdonald/Usher/CO-CONNECT/Software/carrot-cdm/alspac/output_data//logs//statistics_2021-07-27T093143.csv