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Command Line

Generating synthetic data can be performed via WhiteRabbit, by hand or via the use of co-connect-tools.

CLI for generating synthetic data

Synthetic data can be generated from the CCOM website or from the original xlsx ScanReport file.

$ carrot generate synthetic --help
Usage: carrot generate synthetic [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  Commands to generate synthetic data.

  --help  Show this message and exit.

  ccom  generate synthetic data from a ScanReport ID from CCOM
  xlsx  generate synthetic data from a ScanReport xlsx file


If you have the original WhiteRabbit scan report locally, you can use this command to generate the synthetic data.

$ carrot generate synthetic xlsx --help
Usage: carrot generate synthetic xlsx [OPTIONS] REPORT

  generate synthetic data from a ScanReport xlsx file

  -n, --number-of-events INTEGER  number of rows to generate  [required]
  -o, --output-directory TEXT     folder to save the synthetic data to
  --fill-column-with-values TEXT  select columns to fill values for
  --help                          Show this message and exit.


The following command with use a local scan report (ScanReport.xlsx) to generate 1000 synthetic data events for each table in the report, it will fill all columns labelled ID with incrementing values (this is a feature to mimic genuine IDs) and put the output into a folder synthetic_data.

carrot generate synthetic xlsx --fill-column-with-values ID -n 1000 -o synthetic_data ScanReport.xlsx


If you cannot obtain the original WhiteRabbit scan report, you can also generate synthetic data using our CCOM website by connecting via the api to the database.

$ carrot generate synthetic ccom --help
Usage: carrot generate synthetic ccom [OPTIONS]

  generate synthetic data from a ScanReport ID from CCOM

  -i, --report-id INTEGER         ScanReport ID on the website  [required]
  -n, --number-of-events INTEGER  number of rows to generate  [required]
  -o, --output-directory TEXT     folder to save the synthetic data to
  --fill-column-with-values TEXT  select columns to fill values for
  -t, --token TEXT                specify the carrot_token for accessing
                                  the CCOM website
  -u, --url TEXT                  url endpoint for the CCOM website to ping
  --help                          Show this message and exit.


To be able to use this feature you need to have an access token to be able to connect to the database. If you are using this locally, you can supply --url http://localhost:8080 and via http://localhost:8080/admin you can generate a token to be used.


This feature can be used to also generate 1000 events for the scan report table with ID 106:

carrot generate synthetic ccom -i 106 -n 1000 -o synthetic_data --token <hashed token>